Immigrant Tax Services in High Demand
Tax and immigration services are in high demand as immigration reform is on the horizon. All undocumented immigrants living and working in the United States need an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) in order to file and pay their taxes. ITIN holders are eligible for various tax credits which can result in tax refunds, but […]
Tax Business Marketing Mix
Marketing is often a second thought when starting your own tax prep business; when the truth is, tax advertising should be the first thing you consider when constructing the foundation for a successful startup. You can be the best tax preparer, EA, or CPA in the country and be able to do taxes in your […]
End of 2020 Tax Filing Season Extended Hours & Tips
We are now within 1 week of the May 17th filing deadline and many of you are as busy as ever assisting procrastinating clients! Federal Direct will be available for extended support hours this Friday, Saturday and Monday leading up to the filing deadline. Give us a call and we can help get those last […]
Recovery Rebate Credits Getting Separated from 2020 Tax Refund?
Over the last few days, as federal refunds have started to get disbursed, we have been noticing some unexpected behavior regarding tax return acknowledgements and tax refund figures. While investigating refund figure changes, we noticed that the discrepancy appears to be the exact amount of the recovery rebate credit from line 30 on the 1040. […]
Tax Season 2021 Starts on February 12th
No word on hub testing, yet, but the official start to tax season for filing 2020 tax returns will be February 12th, 2021.
New IRS Commissioner Koskinen Approved
John Koskinen, a 74-year-old multimillionaire with a resume full of accomplishments, will be the new Commissioner of the IRS. The Senate Finance Committee approved his nomination Friday.
Tax Prep Fees on The Rise
According to Accounting Today, average fees for tax prep are rising. While it certainly does depend on which forms you need, all tax prep fees are steadily increasing a few percentage points, and will very likely continue to rise as the individual mandate is facilitated through tax filing.
IRS Commissioner Nominee Vows to Rehabilitate Tax Agency
John Koskinen, President Barack Obama’s nominee to run the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, said at a Senate panel’s confirmation hearing that he would work to restore the public’s trust in the tax agency. “With 95,000 employees and the range of challenges the agency faces, mistakes will happen,” Koskinen said today in prepared testimony for the […]
IRS Launches 2012 EITC Audits for Preparers
The IRS is starting this year’s Earned Income Tax Credit due diligence compliance audits of return preparers. To select preparers for audits, the service will “look at returns with a high chance of errors competed by the same preparer,” according to the The audits review at least 25 EITC returns for the preparer’s due-diligence […]
Important- New Federal Tax Forms for Tax Year 2013
This coming tax year will be host to some new tax forms that will probably be around for the long haul. The new forms relate to the impending facilitation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the child tax credit. New forms to the 1040 series package: -Form 8959, Additional Medicare Tax […]